Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Hello all,

I hope all of my readers are doing "okay", but I further hope that all of those who have commented my blog are doing well and blessed with joy and fortune.

I am also flattered by the amount of success my last blog enjoyed, as it has established a record for the most amount of comments. I hope this trend continues and the amount of constructive comments continues to grow and flourish like I promised in my very first blog, the golden age.

I hope everybody does well in finals, but it should NOT under any circumstance take away your valuable time and attention away from this blog and the appreciation of these underappreciated animals. At the end of the day, what is truly more important? Doing well in school or taking a moment of your time to realize that these animals deserve recognition. I know all of you are chuckling, perhaps engaging in a laugh out loud moment, because the answer to my previous question is obvious.

Now down to business:

The picture listed below is of the Gerenuk.

As per the previous blog comments, I have decided to implement a new feature. I apologize that it is nothing flashy, but I ultimately think that it would take away from the purpose of this blog - appreciating animals.

The Gerenuk is a long-necked species of antelope found in dry bushy shrub and steppe in East Africa. The word Gerenuk comes from the Somali, meaning “giraffe-necked”, and leads to another common name, the Giraffe-necked Antelope. Here is were the underappreciation exists. Not only is it immature to think of these animals as giraffes merely because of a similar neck, but it is furthermore immature. This type of behavior is racist and truly takes away from what the Gerenuk was intended to be - an antelope who should be respected for all that it is - not a giraffe.

In addition, spell check does not even recognize it as a word. This same misfortune was felt by the Aardwolf. Instead, it thinks I'm spelling greenhouse, greenfly, or greenback. What is clearly wrong with this imagery is the fact that the Gerenuk hates the color green. Why else do you think it consumes grass? It is attempting to rid the earth of anything green because it cannot stand the sight of such color. For spell check to group the Gerenuk with the color green is downright wrong and is distasteful.

The Gerenuk's eats by climbing trees and swallowing food that then enters their throats. These animals are also so exclusive, that they often do not ever drink in their lifetime. This type of adaptive property is a unique trait that I wish I had as I am constantly thirsty... especially when I am eating pretzels.

This blog has been brought to you by the highly worshiped scholar Michael J. DeFelice


pinkxlim0 said...

aww that animal is pretty

Anonymous said...

I empathize with the Gerenuk for enduring such a misfortune of being discriminated against on spell check. I have been in the same position as well several times. Every single time I type my name into MS word, I am constantly being forced to right click "ignore all" just so that I will not see those dreaded zig zag correction lines under my name. It is absolutely unnecessary to go through such a hassle.

Anonymous said...

First and foremost, mrs. pinkxlim0 needs more input in her comments if she is going to take the first comment position.
Now down to the business, the Gerenuk is robbed of i decent name. I think their neck is most unique and certainly not like one of a giraffe( possibly the most glorified and overrated animal in all of africa). These giraffes are the bullies of africa and have been documented to puch around the Gerenuk. I believe if we boycott the racist acts of giraffes that the gerenuk will finally get the appreciation that it deserves.
btw....im not too much of a fan of green either(who could be!)

Unknown said...

I agree that Mrs. pinkxlim0 must put a constructive and hearty input to this blog, for otherwise she serves no purpose.

I as well empathize with this angelic creature; upon entering my last name into a word processor, I receive suggestions such as Stiletto and Codetta. I certainly have no relevance to kinky high heeled shoes or a highly recognized provocative strip club, nor do I enjoy two short passages connecting one another, for I deplore literary intertext. The Gerenuk is also commonly referred to as the Waller's Gazelle. Correct me if I am wrong, but I do believe that a Gazelle is another family of Antelope that habit the savannas of Africa and feed on grass, while the GErenuks feed on fresh tree leaves and actually dislike grass and require no water to survive. Not only is this a stereotypical representation, but it is indubitably racist.

Unknown said...

It is people like Mrs. pinkxlim0 that contribute to the severe under appreciation and misrepresentation of such animals. they may strike one as "pretty," but does having beauty really express the animals's emotions? Does being "pretty" really underscore the situation at hand? This beauty is merely a facade that can only cover the situation and make everything look better. We cannot resolve anything by merely admiring one's beauty, for these actions are in fact racist.

Michael DeFelice said...

Well said to all of those who said pinkxlim0 must provide a more constructive response. While what Carly said is a good start, it is under no circumstances correct to state for a matter of fact. If she wants to say that the animal is pretty, that is one thing. I am not trying to play devil's advocate here, but the most important goal of a comment is not to TELL but to explain WHY. I certainly hope that in the future, pinkxlim0 will correct and expand her perceptions and realities of truth.

Unknown said...

I am taking the time out from writing my english final due in about 6 hours to read and comment one of the most enticing bloggers i've ever come across! lol. anyhow, i must concur with Jeeness, and empathize with the Gerenuk. However, Jeeness has a greater misfortune than myself and the Gerenuk, in a sense, because not only is her last name "misspelled", but her first name is, as well. as i'm typing this comment, her name appears to have the red dotted squiggly things beneath it, indicating that it is misspelled. anyway, i must return to my writing and i look forward to future blogs of underappreciated animals! oh, and look at that, apparently under appreciated is two words

Anonymous said...

this animal is racist for hating the color green and for not drinking. racism begets racism.

Matt B said...

Clearly the Gerenuk is an appreciated animal. When I searched it on google I turned up over 74,000 results, however when I searched Michael J. Defelice this self proclaimed scholar, I only turned up a mere 51,000 results. I feel like a man who is as under appreciated as Michael should not be calling other things under appreciated. To me the Gerenuk should be writing about Michael, at least he has the proper credibility.